Reminder: UK Magazine Party!

Hey guys!

Today on Club Penguin Blog Daffodaily5 posted a post to remind us that she's having a party on Club Penguin. The reason she's having a party because UK Magazine! The time is: Today, 3:00pm PST Server: Klondike. And Yep! I'm visiting there and will do live video woot woot! Let's see what Daffodaily5 said on Club Penguin Blog-

Club Penguin Blog Text:

I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm having a party TODAY to celebrate the latest issue of the Club Penguin Magazine - which I'm in!
I'll be on server Klondike at 11am UK time (3am PST). Don't forget to wear your silly hats!
-Club Penguin Team
Sweet! Are you gonna come in her party. Because it's gonna be awesome and I will see her for first time in my life that's right because she had her party before like at midnight for me! So, Until then...Waddle On!

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