Club Penguin Teen Beach Summer Jam Party Walkthrough!

We all were waiting for this day for the Epic party in Club Penguin! And That day has came the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam Party is in the Island!! This is the last new party for 2013 in Club Penguin and rest of the will be Cp original parties. I'm telling you this party is Epic!

When you will log in to Club Penguin This page will pop up and it will tell you some of thing:

After you press Let's Surf! This catalog page will pop up this catalog is for everybody. You can only get one item for per day. 

Go to Dock for the Item:

You can get another free item and that is Background only members can get that item because that item is in the Backstage room.

Surfing and Biking:

For the Surfing you can go to Town, Dock, Snow Forts, and Plaza click on that arrows on the Surfboard like this:

And for the Biking you can go to Town, Dock, Snow Forts, and Plaza click on the arrows in the board:

Big Momma's Stage:

For the Big Momma's stage go to snow forts that open for everone and they will tell you how much time left for the shows:

And Backstage is only open for Members you can meet with Brady and Mckenzie personally:

Awesome party isn't? This will be most epic party in this year! and Everybody saying that. I can't believe that Club Penguin did really good job in this and non-members is having many items too! While you having fun tell us is this is Epic or not? Tell us in the comment below.

Best Fishes,

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