Club Penguin's Blog Penguin Of The Day: Ponywell222

Hey guys! 
Today is a another a day to pick a Penguin Of The Day. And Yes, Daffodaily5 picked a Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is Ponywell 222. Want to know why did he got picked? Then let's see what Daffodaily5 said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:


For Ponywell 222 everyday is an adventure! She's super-duper nice penguin who makes her friends LOL by telling lots of jokes. Here's one of mine you can use... Q: What's brown and sticky? A: A stick, of course! :D

Contact Us  and tell us Penguin of the Day nominations.


-Club Penguin Team

Sweet! I loves jokes too don't you? And Daffodaily5's joke is really good too. No I wonder why every one wants to be friends with Daffodaily5. LOL! If you have any penguins that should be Penguin Of The Day then just don't wait send them your all the nominations before anyone get picked. 
Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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