Club Penguin blog - Penguin Of The Day: Sianeyb2

Hello Penguins!
Today Club Penguin Blog released another Penguin Of The Day. Everyday Daffodaily5 chooses a penguin from our nomination penguins! Let's see what she said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:


I’ve heard Sianeyb2 always does something new to entertain her fellow penguins – and recently she started a CP police force! Great outfit, too – they must be some stylish police!

Contact us if you’ve got a friend who should be POTD!


-Club Penguin Team

Congratulations to Sianeyb2! If you have any nominate penguin then don't just wait send them your all the nominate penguins right before they choose. Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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