Club Penguin Blog - Penguin Of The Day: Vancouver740

Today is another and brand new day! That means Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is Vancouver740. Daffodaily5 got amazed what he done for his friends Let's see what Daffodaily5 said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Vancouver740 helps his friends out with mini-games, finding famous penguins, and earning stamps. What a great friend! Brill igloo, too!

To nominate a friend for POTD, contact us!

Wow! That's so nice I even don't know how complete some mini-game If I find you I will absolutely ask for help from you. If you have any nominations penguins who should be POTD then don't just wait send them your's Nominations! Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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