Club Penguin's Blog: Penguin Of the Day - Ryuga14 (30th August)

Hello Penguins!
Today is the Last day of this week and that means last day this week's Penguin Of The Day! I meant that Daffodaily5 doesn't choose POTD on Saturday or Sunday. She chooses through Monday - Friday. And your guessing who is the Penguin of The Day then? Then here's it is. Today's POTD is Ryuga14. Let's see why he has been chosen:

Club Penguin Blog Text-


Ryuga14 loves Club Penguin so much that he wants everyone to join the fun! He introduced his cousin to ourisland and shares all his CP secrets and tips with them. He is the perfect role model! 

Do you know someone who should be Penguin of the Day? Contact us!


-Club Penguin Team

Sweet! He welcomed his cousin to Club Penguin World and told him all the secrets and tips. That is so good isn't it that means more friends on Club Penguin. And He's nice too. I hope your cousin is having fun. If you have any friends that should be POTD then just don't wait send them your all the nominate penguins! Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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