Club Penguin Blog - Penguin Of The Day: Dexter12311

Today I was waddling around the Club Penguin Blog I saw that Daffodaily5 has released today's Penguin Of The Day. Sweet, Let's see what Daffodaily5 said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:


When it comes to Club Penguin, Dexter12311 is a team player – and not just for Team Blue! He’s known for throwing awesome parties and helping fellow EPF agents on top secret missions!

If you know someone who should be POTD, contact us!


-Club Penguin Team

What you think about Today's Penguin Of The Day? Is it good or not? If you have any nominate penguins then don't just wait send them your all the nominations right now. Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,


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