Club Penguin's Penguin Of The Day: Jpjake

Hey guys!

This is a another and wonder day to pick Penguin Of The Day! And guess what Daffodaily5 did pick a perfect penguin to be a Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is Jpjake. Let's why did he became a POTD:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Jpjake is a real game guru! He's always ready to play games if someone else wants to play - and it looks like he's a brill Tuba player too!

Know someone who deserves to be POTD? Contact us!
-Club Penguin Team

So..What you think about the Penguin Of The Day? If you think you friends should be Penguin Of The Day then just don't wait send your all the nominate penguins before they pick anyone. Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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