Hi! What's happened to Rockhopper?

Hiya guys!
I'm 31 Umar and I have just been hired to work at Spd's blog. You may have seen my new blog http://clubpenguinregulars.blogspot.co.uk/ or me on my twitter account @31UmarCP. This first post will be about Rockhopper! So how long has it been since we last saw him? I think it was around half a year ago! Now that was a long time ago. So guess what? Spike Hike said on his twitter account that Rockhopper will be coming soon! Now that is something to wait for. Hopefully he will bring some new and rare items that we have never seen before. What was your favorite thing about Rockhoppers parties? Mine was the games inside his ship and getting his background. Will he have a different background or the same? Will he come for the teen beach movie??

Comment with your opinions
See you later!

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