Exclusive: Club Penguin Fall Fair Party Might Not Come This Year...

Hey guys!

Today on Club Penguin Polo Field's Field Friday he said something that might disappoint some of you guys. If you didn't then it's ok I took a picture of that. So, today on Club Penguin everybody were asking about the Fall Fair Party that when is coming? Suddenly Polo Field said, "Not Sure About Fall Fair" and then he said, "Gotta Wait And See!" 
That is really disappoint thing. Here's it's the picture I took:

Aren't you guys Disappointed? I mean like many of you wants the Fall Fair party instead of Medieval Party. But I want the Medieval Party because I never had before Medieval Party and I had Fall Fair too. So yeah...What you think about this thing? Leave your comments at below and it could be in Bad words too we want to see how you feel! 

Best Fishes,

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