Club Penguin Blog: New Puffle Is Coming!

Hello Penguins!

This is a really great great great I meant super great news! As you may know that there was a rumor about that another new puffle is coming to Club Penguin and guess what? Today on Club Penguin Blog they have been announced it that this rumor is true! Yep, you heard that right A Brand New Puffle Is Coming in November! Let's see what did Club Penguin said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hello Penguins!
The rumors are true! A new puffle species is coming this month. We can't say too much yet, but we'll have more show you soon!

 Thoughts? What color species do you think it'll be?
Waddle on, 
-Club Penguin Team

Hmm...what kind of color of puffle will be that I think it will be Golden! What you think? What kind of color should the new puffle have? Leave your comments at below!

Best Fishes,

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