Club Penguin Blog - Introducing Puffle Favorite Foods!

Hey Penguins!
Today Polo Field informed us that our member Puffle will dig us their favorite foods he said that in the Club Penguin Blog. Let's check it out what Polo Field said:

Hello Penguins!
It's been great seeing so many penguins taking their puffles for walks. Now I've got some big news about puffle digging for members! Starting August 15, your puffle will be able to dig up their favorite food.
Here's the best part... when your puffle eats their favorite treat, all their stats will go up to 100%!
Tip: The higher your puffle's stats, the more likely they are to dig up more coins? W00t!
What food do you think your puffles will dig up?
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Awesome more foods more dig ups! That it really exciting news isn't it? Mean while, you guys tell us that What is your favorite thing to do with your Puffles? I will pick a person who ever comment is best I will give that person a 1 month membership code!
Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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