This might be the new version of next My Penguin App?

Today Club Penguin released video calls #WaddleOn episode-6 it's a comedy show they released this video every Friday. I'm telling about this video because I saw really cool evidence! 

You might see on the #WaddleOn episode 6 in last scene where's the penguin entered in a igloo too see his new neighbor when he entered the igloo it's looks 3-D (3 Dimension). 

And I'm thinking that this will be the our next update for the New Version My Penguin App! I have some evidence too. When that scene come on your video top right it says, "My Penguin App footage shown". Here's the pic:

Did you saw that in the picture inside the red box? Isn't it awesome if it will be next version of the My Penguin? If you have any thoughts or suggestions then just leave it at below! 

Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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