Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 Walkthrough Cheats

Man...It feels like that Teen Beach Movie Takeover Party was yesterday! I meant like the time goes really fast and look The Medieval Party has arrived. The Club Penguin Medieval Party has began so I decided to make a walkthrough for you guys. For the walkthrough look at below:

When you will log into Club Penguin you will directly in Club Penguin University there will be Gary who will stand there so, you will click on him. After you click on him he will talk with you and will say that to get the book you will press ok after you press ok the book will be added in your top right side on your screen like this:

Click on your potion book after you click on it a map will be pop up like this:

This map is will tell you where to find those ingredients for your potion if you click on any potion from that map that will take you there where ever is potion is.

Like this you will continue to collect all those ingredients.

Sweet! You got all the ingredients to make the potion! You will be taken to a screen that will ask if you if you want to create a potion, when it does; simply click 'Create Potion.' You will be taken to a potion making mini game. It's really easy - all you have to do is use your mouse to bounce the ingredients into your potion cauldron (the pot on the far right). Follow the guide on the top of the screen to know what ingredients should go in the cauldron.

After you complete the game go to your Potion Book again now you will able to transform into a Puffle Unicorn! YAY!! 

There you all have it Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 Walthrough Cheats! Wow, I'm telling you this party is best party I think that this party will be better than Fall Fair Party I meant like Club Penguin has decorate all the Rooms what you want more? If you have any thoughts or suggestions then just leave it at below by commenting!

Best Wishes,

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