Help Make an Episode of #WaddleOn!

Hey there!
Today, Polo Field made a new post on the Club Penguin BLog. He want you to help think of a new episode for #WaddleOn! Check out his post below:
Hello Penguins!
Episode 12 of #WaddleOn (appearing on 10/4/13) is going to be a BEST OF show, but we need your help – tell us your FAVORITE #WaddleOn sketches! They can be from any episode.
Blacksmith Force? Statue Roommates? Alien Diner? Or something else? Let us know, and you’ll decide which sketches we use in the show!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
What do you think? Are you going to contribute your ideas to make an episode of #WaddleOn? Leave a comment below!

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