Club Penguin Medieval Party Potion Sneak Peaks 2013 (Video)

Hey Penguin Pals!

As you may know that from tomorrow Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 is starting and with there are some potion we can use so today on Club Penguin Youtube Channel then has been uploaded a video where you can see Rockhopper and Gary is talking about the Potion Book.

The whole point of video is about Potion Book and I'm telling you this potion stuffs is epic! Scroll Down for the video and details:

Now you can click on those button which ever potion you want to see but I gather all those potion and post them all as summery you can watch the video of potions by clicking on those buttons or you can scroll down for the full details:

  • Potion of Ogre Size
  • Effects makes you Bigger

  • Potion of The Vanishing
  • Effects: This potion makes you invisible.

  • Potion of Fairy
  • Effects: will turn you into mini fairy
  • Potion of Blue Puffle Dragon
  • Effects: Turns you into blue puffle dragon
  • Potion of Puffle Chicken Fail
  • Effects: Turns you into Puffle Chicken
  • Potion of Ultimate Mega Dragon
  • Effects: Unknown

Wow! That is a lot Potion isn't it? I'm really excited about the Medieval Party and those potion but mostly about Ultimate Mega Dragon potion it's really unknown I think...If you have any idea of this potion then just leave your thoughts and suggestions at below!

Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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