Club Penguin Blog: What's New In October 2013

Hello Penguin Pals!

Today on Club Penguin Blog updated a post by Polo Field they gave us some sneak peaks about Penguin Style Catalog and Furniture Catalog. Polo Field has confirmed that The Furniture Catalog will be release with Penguin Style Catalog that's mean on October 3rd. So, we can get more time to decorate our Igloo which is more awesome! Let's see what's the sneak peak and what Polo Field said:

It’s about to get a little spooky around Club Penguin! Who is excited for the Halloween Party?
Breaking news! The October Furniture Catalog will have a new release date. It will be available this Thursday, October 3 along with the Penguin Style catalog. The team wanted to give you plenty of time to decorate for Halloween…until then, can you figure out these October teasers?
Here is the image that he includes:

Well, we don't know yet that this pictures Furniture Catalog or Penguin Style Catalog maybe it can be both...Who knows? but the picture looks awesome isn't it?

What you think about this Sneak Peaks does it help you to figure it out what's is this? leave your thoughts at below by commenting!

Best Fishes,

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