Club Penguin New Minor Updates 2013

Hello Penguins!
Club Penguin has updated a new minor you what kind of minor did they updated? Well, let me tell you guys. They updated activate new penguins. Yep! This update is more better. Let's see what is looks like:

   When ever you click activate penguins from your email you will go to automatically this page

After you clicked on Activate absolutely this you will automatically log in to Club Penguin but they had changed a thing as you may know that if your new penguin then the Orange will come and tell what you do and there only one penguin that's you but now you can see another penguins who are new

Awesome Update! Huh...What you think about this minor updates is it cool or lame? Leave your thoughts at below by commenting. Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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