Club Penguin Blog - Penguin Of The Day: Sweety45

Hey guys!

A Brand new week started that means new Penguin Of The Day for today! And Yes, Daffodaily5 picked a special penguin who is eco-friendly and helps a lot to his friends!  Let's see who's that penguin-

Club Penguin Blog Text:


Eco-friendly explorer, Sweety45 spends time making sure all their buddies have a fun time on CP, whilst also teaching them about the environment! A brill friend with a big heart :)

Keep your submissions coming by visiting the Contact Us page!


-Club Penguin Team

Congrats to Sweety45! If you think your friend should be Penguin Of The Day for tomorrow then don't just wait send them your all the nominations penguins! Until then...Waddle On.

Best Fishes,

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