Exclusive: Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 Sneak Peak (Video)

Hey guys!

As you may know that Medieval Party is after few weeks. Today on Disney Channel Game On commercial came out about Club Penguin Medieval Party! Thanks to Chammang9 who recorded the whole video and it's full of sneak peaks! Here's the video:

Wow! Cool Video...So many sneak peaks in this video! No I wonder I love the Game On Commercial on Disney Channel. LOL. As you can see from the video your turn in to Puffle Unicorn and much more by getting poison from Rockhopper. There will be a free item if you complete the mini game from Medieval Party. Telling you guys this party will be rock! Maybe can best party of the year. 

Now You guys tell us what you think about this party is it will be lame or rock? Or It Fall Fair Party should be in this month? Leave your thoughts and comment at below!

Best Fishes,

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