Club Penguin Cheats Net Will Have New Theme Really Soon!

Hello Penguins!

We have a Big announcement today! Our website will have a new theme and yes there will be lot of works so we have decided to that we close our blog for 2 or 3 weeks but don't worry we won't do right now. The construction will be start after the Medieval Party and hopefully it will be done by before Halloween Party *Crosses Fingers*.

This time the Construction will be really EPIC! Because there is a new Member of our website he is Oreo2319 who will decorate the whole website with me. He will be the our new "Website Designer". And There will be another new Member of our blog he is Massett Boy who will be our GFX graphics maker. Woot Woot! I wanna show you some sneak peaks how it will be but I don't want to spoiled it. Stay tune for more updates!

Best Wishes,

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