Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Day - Nely47

Today is a brand new day! Do you know what does it mean?? It means Penguin Of The Day. and Yes! Daffodaily5 picked a Penguin Of The Day for today. Let's see who is the today's Penguin Of The Day - 

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Nely47 sure is a busy penguin! Their day is filled with cleaning the Plaza, serving coffee, helping out at the Pet Shop, reading to penguins in the Book Room AND helping with decorating their buddies’ igloos. PHEW!
Contact Us and share your Penguin of the Day nominations!
-Club Penguin Team

Congrats to Nely47! You deserve for it. If you think somebody should be Penguin Of The Day then don't just wait send them your all the Nominate Penguins! Until then...Waddle On

Your Friend

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