Club Penguin Will Be In 3D In Web Version Soon and the last CP 3 Parties Of 2013 Spoiler

As you may see the tittle of this post you might wondering that the post will be awesome...Yep! Your right because this post will be full of Information about Club Penguin. On Twitter Via some people can DM to Spike Hike and few people has been asked him that what kind of new things coming to Club Penguin? and what are last three parties of 2013? Well, Spike Hike has answered those questions!  Club Penguin will be turning into 3D in web version really soon and they are working on it. As well Spike hike said about the last 3 parties too. Everybody knows that on October will be Halloween Party and On December will be Holiday Party but there is an one month between October and December and Spike Hike has revealed it on November there will be a party do like Lost In The Wilderness. 

Lost in the Wilderness? That's sound something cool maybe we will discover some new rooms and stuff? To be honest Club Penguin map is really big behind the Dojo you may see that some mountains we could be lost anytime! 

Now for the Club Penguin 3D in Web version...I'm not sure that we will be able to play with normal Computer like Windows 7 or 8. To be honest if they do this in 3D I think we need some special things We really don't know that much yet! 

Wow...That is many information! What you think about this post and all the Information?? Leave your thoughts and suggestion at below.

Credits goes to: @PikachuLevelEX

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