Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Day - Frostballer7

Hey guys!

Today Daffodaily5 picked another Penguin Of The Day. As you may know that Daffodaily5 said before that every Penguin Of The Day gets 5000 Coins! Isn't it awesome? Let's see who is the Penguin Of The Day for today:

Club Penguin Blog Text:


If you’re looking for a friend to cheer you up when you’re down, to host loads of awesome igloo parties, someone who has a passion for fashion AND loves hanging out with puffles... then Frostballer7 is your guy! :)

Do you know someone who is just AWESOME? Contact Us and let us know why. Every successful POTD gets 5000 coins!

So today's Penguin Of The Day is Frostballer7. Congrats to him! If you think you friends should be then just contact them and send them your all the nominations penguins. Until then...Waddle On!

Best fishes,

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