Club Penguin Blog - Month in Review: July

Hey There,
Today on Club Penguin Blog they released a new post by Polo Field about review of this month. They said they are starting that Before the month ends they will ask us how did we liked the Month and what we want for next? And every body is writing everything they want in the comments box on Club Penguin Blog.

Here's The Club Penguin Blog Text:

Greetings Penguins!
We are going to try something new with Reviewed by the end of each month we are going to do a Month in Review! As you know, we love getting feedback from our players so this will give you the chance to let us know your thoughts! We want to know what your highlights of the month were and what you would like to see in upcoming months!
To refresh your memory here's a list of some memorable moments in July:
  • School added to Club Penguin
  • Puffle Treasure Hunting Items
  • Furniture Catalog
  • #WaddleOn Series Begins
  • Penguin Style
  • Star Wars™ Takeover Begins and Tatooine Quest Launched
Looking forward to your feedback!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
If you want to leave your thoughts at Club Penguin Blog then just click Here
Now you tell me that Did you had fun in this month which event is your most funnest events from the comments we will choose one and then will give a 1-month membership code for free!

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