Club Penguin Blog: What's New In November 2013

Hello Penguins!

Today on Club Penguin Blog Polo Field updated with a new post and this post is about what's coming in next month (November). Many of the people saying that there will Operation Puffle on November and many saying that there will be new mascot in the Island...well, with this sneak peaks we don't have any clue what are these. Let's see the sneak peaks and what did Polo Field Said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Greeting Penguins...

Although I love Halloween, I cannot WAIT for November to get here, because we've got some HUGE new things coming! Here are few ultra sneaky clues...

Any guess? Stay tune to the blog, we'll have more exciting news coming soon! W00t!

Until Then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

Ooooh....Looks like November will be fun! Although we know that on Twitter Via Spike Hike said on November will "Lost In Wilderness" and on the first left sneak peak it's looks smoke with sand coming out. Can't wait for the next month. How about you? Leave your thoughts at below!
Best Fishes,

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