Today on Club Penguin Blog Daffodaily5 posted a post to remind us that she's having a party on Club Penguin. The reason she's having a party because UK Magazine! The time is: Today, 3:00pm PST Server: Klondike. And Yep! I'm visiting there and will do live video woot woot! Let's see what Daffodaily5 said on Club Penguin Blog- Club Penguin Blog Text:
I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm having a party TODAY to celebrate the latest issue of the Club Penguin Magazine - which I'm in!
I'll be on server Klondike at 11am UK time (3am PST). Don't forget to wear your silly hats!
-Club Penguin Team
Sweet! Are you gonna come in her party. Because it's gonna be awesome and I will see her for first time in my life that's right because she had her party before like at midnight for me! So, Until then...Waddle On!
Hello everyone I am Icarly651 I am a new author to the Club Penguin Cheats site. I'm happy to be working on Club Penguin Cheats and working for Spd51. I am nice, caring and outgoing I love anything Disney related and I love playing Disney's Club Penguin. When I'm on CP I like exploring, changing outfits and decorating my igloo , I also enjoy attending parties, events and just having fun with friends. When I'm not online I love drawing, painting , fashion, reading , writing, hanging out with friends , planning CP Tv shows and coming up with fresh new ideas and tweeting world news sometimes. My older brother is Cruz Azull80 and him I log on to CP sometimes. I'm so exited to work on Club Penguin Cheats and work along with my co-workers I can't wait to start blogging and hanging out with you all on CP . Until then Waddle On !
Love, Icarly651
As you may know that every Friday Club Penguin release their comedy show calls #WaddleOn. Today is the episode - 8 and it's a lot more funny then last one. I will not tell about this right now because you have to watch the video. Here it is:
Awesome video! My favorite part is the Deliver party what's your? Isn't it cool I always wait for this day. If you have any thoughts about this video then just leave it at below!
Hello Penguins! Today is the Last day of this week and that means last day this week's Penguin Of The Day! I meant that Daffodaily5 doesn't choose POTD on Saturday or Sunday. She chooses through Monday - Friday. And your guessing who is the Penguin of The Day then? Then here's it is. Today's POTD is Ryuga14. Let's see why he has been chosen: Club Penguin Blog Text- Hiya! Ryuga14 loves Club Penguin so much that he wants everyone to join the fun! He introduced his cousin to ourisland and shares all his CP secrets and tips with them. He is the perfect role model! Do you know someone who should be Penguin of the Day? Contact us! Byeee! -Club Penguin Team Sweet! He welcomed his cousin to Club Penguin World and told him all the secrets and tips. That is so good isn't it that means more friends on Club Penguin. And He's nice too. I hope your cousin is having fun. If you have any friends that should be POTD then just don't wait send them your all the nominate penguins! Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Hey guys! Today on Club Penguin Polo Field's Field Friday he said something that might disappoint some of you guys. If you didn't then it's ok I took a picture of that. So, today on Club Penguin everybody were asking about the Fall Fair Party that when is coming? Suddenly Polo Field said, "Not Sure About Fall Fair" and then he said, "Gotta Wait And See!" That is really disappoint thing. Here's it's the picture I took:
Aren't you guys Disappointed? I mean like many of you wants the Fall Fair party instead of Medieval Party. But I want the Medieval Party because I never had before Medieval Party and I had Fall Fair too. So yeah...What you think about this thing? Leave your comments at below and it could be in Bad words too we want to see how you feel! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Hey guys! Today on Club Penguin Blog just released trailer for the My Penguin App Version 1.2 which will be most epic thing. Because our penguin will be in 3D woo hoo! Isn't it awesome? So Ninja has just post about that and gave us a short sneak peak here's it is: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hey Penguins,
Check out the official trailer for the newly updated My Penguin App for iPad
Hope you're having fun! Don't forget to let us know what you think.
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
Sweet I like the trailer! and Can't wait for the 3D version. Remember to comment what you think about it. Until then...Waddle On!
Daffodaily5 just announced on the Club Penguin blog that she's having a party for Bikers and Surfers at Big Momma's later today, and right after she finished her invitation post, a POTD post was published! Check it out:
Hiya! One of 6bjones’s friends told us she hosts the most colourful parties around. Looks like they were right! What an iggy!
Contact us if you know someone who should be POTD. Byeee! -Club Penguin Team
Congrats to 6bjones to become a POTD! If you think your friends should be Penguin OF The Day then just don't wait send them your all the nominate penguins! -Spd61
Today on Club Penguin Youtube Channel released world premiere music video "Party In My Iggy". I'm telling this music is awesome! Maybe some of you heard it already on Club Penguin Radio but didn't see the video. Here's the Music Video:
Awesome Music Video! This music video is the most epic music video I've ever seen. I mean like just look at it. Omg! I can't take out the music from my head its really stuck in my head. What I can do the music is like that! LOL If you have any comments about this video then just leave it at below. Until then...Waddle On!
Today's Penguin Of The Day is really worth it because he did something for the earth over the December let's check it out what Daffodaily5 said about him: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hiya! Firebowl34 has a rockin’ Sushi restaurant igloo, and I’ve heard he donates his profits to Coins for Change! So cool!
If you’ve got a friend who should be POTD, contact us! Byeee! -Club Penguin Team Told ya isn't it worth it? If you think that your friends should be Penguin Of The Day then just don't wait send them your all the nominate penguins! Until then..Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Hello Penguins! Today I notice that Daffodaily5 picked another Penguin Of The Day for today. Let's what who is the today's Penguin Of The Day: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hiya!
From his secret base igloo – complete with globe bean bag! - Dawg5 is an eco-friendly champion who’s always telling people to protect the environment!
Contact us to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Day!
-Club Penguin Team Wow... A Saving environment Penguin! That is so good. Phew..Somebody cares about environment. LOL If you think that your friends should be Penguin Of The Day for tomorrow then just don't wait hurry send them your all the nominations before anyone get pick. Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Hey guys! This is a another and wonder day to pick Penguin Of The Day! And guess what Daffodaily5 did pick a perfect penguin to be a Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is Jpjake. Let's why did he became a POTD: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hiya! Jpjake is a real game guru! He's always ready to play games if someone else wants to play - and it looks like he's a brill Tuba player too!
Know someone who deserves to be POTD? Contact us! Byeee! -Club Penguin Team So..What you think about the Penguin Of The Day? If you think you friends should be Penguin Of The Day then just don't wait send your all the nominate penguins before they pick anyone. Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Today When I was looking up for Ninja on Twitter Via I saw the he changed his profile picture into Shadow Ninja picture. As you may know that Shadow Ninja were rumors since 2011. Is that Coming in this year? I don’t know we don’t have any idea about when It’s coming or not. But Why did he changed into Shadow Ninja? Here’s the pic:
Hmm…What you think about this thing? Is Shadow Ninja coming soon? or not? If you have any thought or suggestion then leave it at below! Until then…Waddle On!
Hey guys! As you know that Medieval Party is coming next month on Club Penguin. Today Polo Field posted a bit about that on CP Blog. Let's check it out what did he said:
September is just around the corner and we have a bunch of exciting stuff coming up for you.
You may have already heard that the Medieval Party is headed our way on September 19! The team is excited to bring back a classic Club Penguin party with a completely new twist. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come:
In other exciting news, Rockhopper is coming back to the island! Stay tuned to the blog and we'll have some meet up times so you don't miss him.
Today I'm really proud of this Post because Before Saraphil, Dr Flopper, Train1405 or anybody finds out I find out this. So Today when I was waddling out on Club Penguin Island I was thinking to check out the Teen Beach Movie Catalog when I saw I got amazed this is the First time Club Penguin released a page that includes Brady's and Mckezie's outfit for non-members too! Check it out:
Before the Update the catalog use to be like this. Those red boxes clothes are now for Non-members.
Wow. In This party Club Penguin released many items for non-members. Am I right? I bet some of you got really happy about this post. What you think about this exclusive minor update? Is it awesome or Lame? Leave your thoughts at below. Util then...Waddle On!
Many have been wondering which party will be in September Medieval Party or Fall Fair Party? Many of our thought is on September will be Fall Fair and on November will me Medieval Party. But who ever thinks that Fall fair will be on September they are wrong. Yes, Medieval Party is coming in September it has confirmed by Club Penguin Magazine Issue. It says the next Club Penguin Magazine will be "Ye Olde Medieval Issue!" Here's The Pic:
*Thanks to 1900bloo for the Pic*
Wow. Bit of shocking I thought it was in November. Some of you upset now because Fall Fair is not coming to Club Penguin am I right? But Fall Season will stay till November so Fall Fair Could be in November because Spike Hike Confirmed that rest of the will be CP Original Party.What did you think about this party? Would you rather have Medieval Party or Fall Fair Party in September? Leave your thoughts at below.
Today is another and brand new day! That means Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is Vancouver740. Daffodaily5 got amazed what he done for his friends Let's see what Daffodaily5 said: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hiya! Vancouver740 helps his friends out with mini-games, finding famous penguins, and earning stamps. What a great friend! Brill igloo, too!
To nominate a friend for POTD, contact us! Byeee! Wow! That's so nice I even don't know how complete some mini-game If I find you I will absolutely ask for help from you. If you have any nominations penguins who should be POTD then don't just wait send them your's Nominations! Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Hey guys! Today on Club Penguin Youtube released a another episode of #Waddle On. Last Friday we saw Episode 6 in last scene there was 3D and said To Be Continued today that part will be continued in this video. Check it out:
Wow! in 3D ad you can know that Spike Hike posted in Club Penguin Blog that the My Penguin App next version will be in 3D. Sweet...Can't wait for that. What you think about the 3D in Club Penguin? Tell us By commenting at below-
Best Fishes,
Hey guys its A11013 i am blogging on this blog too :) I am glad to be a part of this blog :D
While I was waddling around today i stopped in to see the Brady and Mackenzie bots perform then discovered a glitch!. When they finish their performance and show a heart and smiley face click Them and it will ask do you want their giveaway backround. I'm not exactly sure how it works just try clicking them alot and it works. Have fun!. alisterxdx
Hello Penguins! As you know that My Penguin App next version will containing 3D. As Spike Hike announced it by posting in Club Penguin Blog. Today I found a video and that video is leaked somebody found it so he or she decided to share this on Youtube channel. As I saw the video I saw that even puffles will be 3D too while they will be playing their stuff. Let's check it out:
The next version will be released in this party. Are you excited about the next version version of my Penguin App that is containing in 3D? Tell us by commenting below. We would love to hear it!
Hello Penguins! Today Daffodaily5 chose another penguin of the day! And That penguin should be Penguin Of The Day. Because he's really good penguin. Let's see what did Daffodaily5 said: Hiya! When someone’s igloo needs more likes, SeaMaster495 turns up with a bunch of friends to give the likes a boost! Looks like he’s redesigning his own igloo right now... I wonder what it will be?
Contact us to nominate someone for Penguin of the Day! Byeee! -Club Penguin Team So today's Penguin Of The Day is SeaMaster495. If you think your friends should be Penguin Of The Day then send them your all the nominations right now before somebody gets picked! Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Hey guys! This has been long time that Club Penguin has added some hidden items in Party catalog. This catalog has only 2 items. 1 is old item many of the penguin has that item and 2 is shades I think it's new one I don't know but let's check it out:
Cool items! Isn't it? I like the this party's catalog more because it's more stylish. What you think? Tell us in the comment below- Best Fishes, -Spd61
Club Penguin has released the new pin. This pin is for the Friendship Day! Cool pin. And you know what thins Club Penguin puts hides the many pins in dance club this year. And yes after next week the another pin will be relative with TBM Summer Jam Party. Here's the Pin:
Sweet. You had collected the new pin of this week. The next pin will come in 2 weeks. So Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
We all were waiting for this day for the Epic party in Club Penguin! And That day has came the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam Party is in the Island!! This is the last new party for 2013 in Club Penguin and rest of the will be Cp original parties. I'm telling you this party is Epic!
When you will log in to Club Penguin This page will pop up and it will tell you some of thing:
After you press Let's Surf! This catalog page will pop up this catalog is for everybody. You can only get one item for per day.
Go to Dock for the Item:
You can get another free item and that is Background only members can get that item because that item is in the Backstage room.
Surfing and Biking:
For the Surfing you can go to Town, Dock, Snow Forts, and Plaza click on that arrows on the Surfboard like this:
And for the Biking you can go to Town, Dock, Snow Forts, and Plaza click on the arrows in the board:
Big Momma's Stage:
For the Big Momma's stage go to snow forts that open for everone and they will tell you how much time left for the shows:
And Backstage is only open for Members you can meet with Brady and Mckenzie personally:
Awesome party isn't? This will be most epic party in this year! and Everybody saying that. I can't believe that Club Penguin did really good job in this and non-members is having many items too! While you having fun tell us is this is Epic or not? Tell us in the comment below.
Hey guys! Club Penguin added a new log off screen and that is few sneak peaks too for the clothing item in TBM summer jam party. members can dress up Teen Beach Movie clothes awesome isn't it? Let's check it out pic: Credits to Trainman1405 for the pic:
Cool. Tell us what you think about this log off screen in the below by commenting! Your Friend -Spd61
Hello Penguins! Polo Field posted on Club Penguin Blog to informing us that new game is coming to Ipad. And as you can see the picture it's look like Jet pack ride from Club Penguin Online! Hmm.. I think that Ipad one will be more better just look at it so cool graphics and stuff. Let's see what Polo Field said about this game? Club Penguin Blog Text:
I am super stoked to tell you that there will be a brand new mini game coming only to the My Penguin app!
Remember when Spike Hike said there will be a classic game "re-fueled"?
Get ready for Jetpack Boost, a sequel to the Club Penguin classic game Jetpack Adventure! Here's a screenshot:
This game is awesome! I've barely been able to put down my iPad long enough to write this post.
Stay tuned for more updates here on the blog.
Until then…waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
It's called Jetpack Boost! Awesome, can't wait for the game but I can't play this game. :( Because I don't own Ipad I only own Android man...When is My Penguin is coming to Android? Until then...Waddle On!
Hello Penguins! Today Club Penguin Blog released another Penguin Of The Day. Everyday Daffodaily5 chooses a penguin from our nomination penguins! Let's see what she said: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hiya!
I’ve heard Sianeyb2 always does something new to entertain her fellow penguins – and recently she started a CP police force! Great outfit, too – they must be some stylish police!
Contact us if you’ve got a friend who should be POTD!
-Club Penguin Team
Congratulations to Sianeyb2! If you have any nominate penguin then don't just wait send them your all the nominate penguins right before they choose. Until then...Waddle On!
Hey guys! I'm sure this has been confirmed that the rare Blue Lei item is coming in upcoming Party Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam Party. But Club Penguin didn't tell us yet! Today when I was watching Disney Game On Commercial about the Club Penguin Teen Beach Party I saw a scene where some kids throws Blue lei to each other. I took a pic of that. here's the proof:
Sweet. I hope it comes back! And Can't wait for the party... mean while, you guys tell us that how you will be feel if Blue Lie is coming back? Leave your comments at below! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Tidus9631 is always trying to teach penguins something new – whether it’s secrets about Club Penguin, or how to earn a stamp, or the best way to care for puffles!
Contact us with all your Penguin of the Day nominations.
-Club Penguin Team What you think about the today's Penguin Of The Day? If you have any nominate penguins that should be Penguin Of The Day, then just don't wait send them your all the nominations! Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
Last Friday we debuted our sixth episode of #WaddleOn and many penguins told us that they noticed something…. different.
You guessed it – full 3D avatars are coming to My Penguin 1.2 for iPad!!
We've completely rebuilt the avatar from scratch to take full advantage of 3D. All your items from Club Penguin are available with this new 3D avatar. When you change your avatar on, your outfit will show in My Penguin, too! And if you change your outfit in My Penguin, you will be able to see it on the web. They are completely synched up so it's easy to go back and forth. We've also re-done all our animations in 3D!
Below is a video that gives you peek at how cool these animations look in 3D. The team worked on these for over a year and did an amazing job! You are going to have a ton of fun playing with all your special dance items and seeing the cool, new animations. Check it out:
In other news... this new avatar also gives us a LOT of opportunity down the road! I don't want to spoil it now, but let's just say that this will let us take animations, special dance items, and interaction with the world to an entirely new level!!
I hope you are as excited as I am about My Penguin 1.2! Pay attention to the blog for even more sneak peeks about what's next!
Hello Penguin Pals! As you can know that #WaadleOn episode released since 6 weeks before and there is 6 episodes of #WaddleOn this videos are for entertaining and comedy video. Today on Club Penguin Blog Polo Field posted for suggestions for upcoming episode 7. Club Penguin Blog Text:
Hey Penguins!
Here are some possible ideas the team has for upcoming episodes of #WaddleOn... What do you think would happen in these scenes?
-Club Penguin Team
By clicking Here you can see the post in Club Penguin. Sweet, now we can choose what kind event should they make? Because our choice are more better and we know what could make us laugh? I want the Herbert scene! Which scene do you want? Leave your comments at below.
Today I was waddling around the Club Penguin Blog I saw that Daffodaily5 has released today's Penguin Of The Day. Sweet, Let's see what Daffodaily5 said: Club Penguin Blog Text: Hiya!
When it comes to Club Penguin, Dexter12311 is a team player – and not just for Team Blue! He’s known for throwing awesome parties and helping fellow EPF agents on top secret missions!
If you know someone who should be POTD, contact us!
-Club Penguin Team
What you think about Today's Penguin Of The Day? Is it good or not? If you have any nominate penguins then don't just wait send them your all the nominations right now. Until then...Waddle On! Best Fishes, -Spd61
As you can see Disney game on released a commercial about Club Penguin upcoming party Teen Beach Summer Jam Party. On there they showed us many sneak peaks with that showed us the a player card with new out fit of Teen Beach Movie outfits. In that player card you can see total stamps is 355 but usually it's 352 here's the proof:
And here's the my player card and then stamps are 352:
I think that the new stamps will be coming in this party Teen Beach Movie Party? Or after? But we don't have any clue yet. If you have any thoughts or suggestions then just leave it at below~ Best Wishes, -Spd61