Club Penguin New Pin Cheats - Tombstone!

Hey guys!

Club Penguin has update today and this is two weeks update and you what it's means...It means New Pin! and Yes, Club Penguin had released the new pin in the Island. This time pin exactly looks like a Club Penguin rare Halloween furniture I know that some people have that item but don't :( It's okay...Look at below to how to get the New Pin:

  • Click on your map.
  • Go to Plaza.
  • Go into the pool and then click on the left side door the Boil Room.
  • Click on that Tombstone pin it's located at top of Club Penguin old new locker.

There you have it the new Club Penguin pin - Tombstone Pin. Isn't it cool? We can now have the rare furniture item as pin. What you think about this? Leave your thoughts at below!

Best Fishes,

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