Club Penguin Blog: Month In Review - October 2013

 Hey Penguins!

Today on Club Penguin Blog Polo Field updated with a new post and it's "Month In Review" October 2013! Now they are asking from you guys that what was the best event for you in this month October 2013. Let's see what Polo Field said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hello Penguins!
I really liked Elizabeth465's answer:
"My favorite season is winter because its by Christmas and pretty close to Halloween! The parties Club Penguin throw are amazing and I can't wait to go trick or treating!"
Great answer Elizabeth465! I love Christmas and Halloween, too!
Now it's time to look back on what happened in October on Club Penguin! Here are some highlights:
  • Clothing Catalog
  • Furniture Catalog
  • #Waddle On - Best of Season 1
  • Halloween Party with Rookie appearance
  • Anniversary Party with Aunt Arctic appearance
  • Happy Birthday music video
What were your favorite parts of October, and what would you like to see in the future?
We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Hmm...I think I like the Happy Birthday Music Song that is my favorite I meant like that song is really cool isn't it? What's your leave your thoughts at below!

Remember the best one will get 10,000 coins to their penguin's account on Club Penguin.

Best Fishes,

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