Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Day - 44joey45 (Oct 29)

Hey Penguins!

Today is a another brand new day to pick a Penguin Of The Day and guess what Daffodaily5 picked another POTD let's see who is the today's Penguin Of The Day and what did Daffodaily5 said about her:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

44joey45 has been playing Club Penguin a reeeeally long time, even longer than me! Although he’s been playing since 2008, he is still a dedicated player and NINJA. He’s always keen to decorate his igloo in a really awesome way too!
Thank you for sending in your submissions to the team, keep them coming!
-Club Penguin Team

Sweet! Congrats to 44joey45...He's was playing Club Penguin loooong time. If you know someone who should be Penguin of The Day for tomorrow then don't just wait send them your all the nominate penguins!

Best Fishes,

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