Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Day - Bacon935

Hey Penguins!

Daffodaily5 started this week by posting new Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is Bacon935 and Daffodaily5 said she has a talented Igloo. Let's see her Igloo and what did Daffodaily5 said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

I love Bacon935’s iggy, it’s so colourful! Plus she enjoys sharing tips with her friends on how to decorate their igloos. That reminds me, I need to re-decorate my iggy now Halloween is over. Any ideas?
Each winner of Penguin of the Day gets 5000 coinsContact us to nominate your buddy!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome Igloo got there! and Congratulation to become a Penguin Of The Day. I guess I never will be a Penguin Of The Day... :( It's okay! If you know someone who should be Penguin Of The Day then don't just wait send them your nominate penguins.

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