Exclusive Evidence: Club Penguin Operation Puffle It's Real And It's Coming Soon...

Hello Penguin Pals!

As you may know that Club Penguin had released a video from last week calls "Zomg Zombie". In that video there is some secrets in it about the Operation Puffle. Beside the video there are more clues about the Operation Puffle. This Operation Puffle rumors spread since March 2013. After this clues now we are thinking that Operation Puffle is real...
Here's the video:

Remember watch carefully after video ends on the bottom left the Operation Puffle appears for 2 seconds and it's gets disappear.

If you didn't saw that it's okay here's a screenshot for that:

Beside the video there are more clues right here. On Club Penguin Membership page Club Penguin updated with events and on the last they said that there is some thing new coming for puffle on November

There is one more clue after the Star Wars on clubherbert.com website updated in that image you can see that a Puffle picture is flooding at the top screen on the smoke here's the picture:

Yikes! Herbert P. Bear and Operation Puffle is coming soon...We got to be stay strong Herbert P. Bear can't take our pets. 

Be resourceful, Be remarkable, Be ready!

Best Fishes,

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