Club Penguin Halloween Party 2013 Sneak Peaks (Video)

Hey Penguin Pals!

Disney has released a Game On Commercial about the Club Penguin Halloween Party 2013 and this video has full of Sneak Peaks. I'm telling you after you see this video you will be more excited for Halloween Party 2013 because it's gonna be loads of fun! Let's check it out the video:

The video is awesome...Now for the close up Sneak Peaks. As you may see the video that the whole Island will be transform into Club Penguin Halloween Party and that's more awesome!

Club Penguin Halloween Party Candy Scavenger Hunts returns to the Island! Woot Woot!

Members can transform into A Werewolf:

A Vampire:

A Zombie:

Now for the Club Penguin Transform rooms, That's the School:


Snow Forts:

Cove...and what's this they are playing Club Penguin on Ipad??

Just like every party there will be special catalog but this time catalog has some items that are from Last Year. And Some of the items are new this year, and you can see that Members can get a new Puffle hat item which is really cool. There's two items are for everyone even for Non-Member.

This is the close of another page:

This time Club Penguin Halloween Party will off The HOOK! I can't wait for the Halloween Party...Halloween Party is my favorite on Club Penguin even on real life I love to decorate house and thing into Halloween Theme and yes Our blog will be decorated into Halloween Theme with SpOoOoOky stuff!

What you think about the Halloween? Whats your favorite party on Club Penguin? Leave your thoughts at below we would love to hear it.

Best Spooky,

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