Club Penguin Blog: Club Penguin Anniversary Special Announcement!

Hey Penguins!

Today on Club Penguin Blog Polo Field updated a special post about Club Penguin 8th Anniversary Party. This year there will be some thing Special for the Club Penguin Anniversary. For this Club Penguin Team will be release a new music video! This song's tune will be regular - old Happy Birthday but it's going to be a brand new Club Penguin Original! In that video there somebody who will be feature. Let's who he is and let's see what did Club Penguin Blog said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hello Penguins!
It's almost been 8 whole years since Club Penguin launched. Can you believe it? To celebrate, we'll be releasing a Happy Birthday music video! One that you can share all 365 days of the year – how awesome is that?
That's not all! This will be more than your regular-old Happy Birthday tune, it's going to be a brand new Club Penguin original! I've had a listen to it and I've gotta say it's pretty catchy. The best part? It features Jordan Fisher, who you may know from Disney Channel's Teen Beach Movie.
Fun fact: he also used to play Club Penguin!
We are excited to have the opportunity to work with Jordan. Especially since he's taking some time to answer some questions from you – the Club Penguin community!
Here are a few questions we'd like to ask him:
1. What are your favorite things about Club Penguin?
2. How did you get to where you are, and what cool projects are you working on now?
3. We hear you're going on a volunteer trip to Ecuador. Could you tell us more about it and how you got involved?
Now it's your turn! Have any questions you'd like to ask Jordan? Write them in the comments below and we'll pick a few more for Jordan to answer in an upcoming guest blog post!
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Sweet!! From the Disney Teen Beach Movie Jordan Fisher will be feature on the music video. That is so cool isn't it? This year Club Penguin Anniversary will be so much fun. Leave your thoughts at below!

Best Fishes,

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