Club Penguin Blog: PH Meet - Ups Times!

Hey Penguins!

Polo Field has updated the Club Penguin Blog with the PH's meet ups times post. Well, as may you know that PH will be visiting the Island for the Golden Puffle that's why Polo Field has posted those meet ups time so it can be more easy to find her! Let's see what did Polo Field said and for the PH Meet Ups Time:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hello Penguins,
PH will be visiting the island to celebrate the discovery of the Gold Puffle!

Here are some meetup times for you:
Thursday, November 14    
 * 9:00am on the server Chinook
 * 3:00pm on the server Fog
Saturday, November 16
 * 12:30pm on the server    Sherbert
 * 2:00pm on the server Wool Socks
 * 5:30pm on the server Cozy
Sunday, November 17
 * 9:00am on the server Jack Frost
 * 3:00pm on the server Rainbow
 * 6:30pm on the server Frosty
Monday, November 18
 * 9:00am on the server Iceland
 * 5:00pm on the server Crystal
 * 6:00pm on the server Northern Lights
Tuesday, November 19
 * 9:00am on the server Wool Socks
 * 3:00pm on the server Mittens
Wednesday, November 20
 * 9:00am on the server Mammoth
 * 3:00pm on the server White Out
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time. (If you don't remember what Penguin Standard Time is, you can check the Clock Tower at the Snow Forts.)
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
What you think about this meet ups time? This will be my second time to meet PH. How many times will be yours? Leave your comments at below!

Remember Our Tracker will track for PH with 100% Accurate power!

Best Fishes,

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