Club Penguin Blog: Ask A Club Penguin Intern!

Hey Penguins!

Today on Club Penguin Blog Polo Field updated with a new post. They said that Learning is really valuable and you know what? They are absolutely right! Learning it is a really valuable thing to do. We can not live without learned. Let's see what did Polo Field said:

Club Penguin Text:

Hello Penguins!
Here at CP, we believe that education is super-valuable. That's why we hire interns at Club Penguin! 
We want to give up-and-coming superstars the chance to enhance their learning with on-the-job experience. By helping us make awesome stuff for the CP community it helps them and us... a win-win-win! 
Now's your chance to ask a Club Penguin intern about their experience at CP! Megg is working with us for just a short time, so we wanted to give you the chance to ask her a few questions about what she's learned so far. 

Comment below with your question for a chance to have your question answered and shown here on the blog!
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

What is your question to ask? If you want to leave your question at Club Penguin then just click Here to go there.

Until then...Waddle On!

Best Fishes,

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