Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Day - Hip Hop 794

Today Daffodaly5 picked another Penguin Of The Day. Today's Penguin Of The Day is kinda special. Well, he donated many pairs of socks in Socktober! Let's see who become POTD and what did Daffodaily5 said:

Club Penguin Blog Text:

Remember Kid President's post last month about donating to Socktober? Well Hip Hop 794 was a real super star and donated several pairs of socks that they'd saved up and bought with their own money. I know plenty of you took part so well done everybody! Thanks for helping to make a difference!
Do you know a penguin that has done something amazing for charity? Contact us and tell the team all about it!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome Congrats to him! If you know some penguin who should be Penguin Of The Day then don't just wait send them your nominate penguin right now!

Best Fishes,

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