Join Chattabox for a Game of Musical Chairs

Hey penguins!

This post may seem wired but you will get idea, once I have expalin everything clearly. Chattabox is a member of the Austraillan Club Penguin team, is going to be logging on to play musical chairs in the celebration of the Gloden Puffle and Operation Puffle. Check out the post below:

G'Day Penguins!
Who is looking forward to this months party?! Golden Puffles!! What could be more exciting?
To celebrate I've decided I'm going to hold a party in my igloo with a HUGE game of musical chairs – who's with me? I've decked out my iggy with all kinds of weird and wonderful chairs and would love all you guys to join me to play my favourite party game.
Everyone who attends will get an awesome postcard and I will take photos to appear on next weeks blog. 
We are meeting at 4pm East Australian Standard Time or 6pm New Zealand time on Thursday 14th November. Lets meet on the Flurry server in the forest and then we'll make our way to my iggy. Everyone come ready for lots of fun and bring your best dance moves ;)
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
Well, guys that is the meet-up of Chattabox. Are you going to be going? You will get a awesome postcard , which may or may not come with item. I wonder what that postcard will look like? Let me know in the comments below, if you are going to be attending this meet-up with Chattabox or not? If you do go, then make sure you tell us all about it.

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