Club Penguin Blog: My Penguin For Android!

Hey Penguins!

I know many people around the world were asking for where's the My Penguin for android? Well, today on Club Penguin Blog Polo Field updated a post with a big announcement that there will be My Penguin App on Android! But first they want to know that what to know what Android device do we use. Let's see what did Polo Field said:

Hello Penguins, 
You may have seen our post about "My  Penguin iPhone Concepts." Of course, the first thing many of you asked was... what about Android?
To that we have just one question... Who said we weren't working on an Android version? ;)

So to get things kicked off, let's hear from all the Android users here on the blog. There are a whole bunch of Android devices out there in the world. We'd like to know... what Android device(s) do you use, and what version of the Android OS do you use? Let us know by leaving a comment below!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team

So, what kind Android device do you use? I'm really excited for Android My Penguin App. I was waiting for this longtime. What you think about this? Leave your thoughts at below!

Best Fishes,

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