Reviewed by You: Star Wars Takeover

Hey guys! As you know that Club Penguin Takeover Party is tomorrow YAYY!!! and with that Polo Field has released the Reviewed by you on Club Penguin Blog as you know that before they asked what is your favorite party at all the time on Club Penguin and everyone has post in the comment but there's a penguin who wrote something cool-

    Club Penguin Blog Text:

I really liked Adri6363's answer:
My favorite party of all time was when Club Penguin had the Hollywood Party. It was totally fun! I played every single day it was on and it actually kinda made me feel like a superstar. I wish sometimes that it can come back. Also it was fun to get awards and get your own 15 minutes of fame! Riding limos to living in fancy penthouses, I think it was to best party ever!! Waddle On!!
Alright Star Wars fans, give it to me straight...what are you most looking forward to at the upcoming party?

We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!

Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
If you want to comment in the Club Penguin Blog then just click Here and leave comment at below that what side you will support to? Dark Side or Light Side? Stay Tune For More Updates.

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