August Party Announcement

Hello Penguin Flippers!
Today on Club Penguin Blog they announce really exciting party what's coming on August! In that party there will be Music Party, Summer Party, and Water Party All three in 1 Woo Hoo! This party will be most epic party and they has released a video in that Video we can recognize that is in Beach place and we're thinking that that party will cover all over the Island!

Here's the Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hello Penguins!
Many of you have asked what party is coming to Club Penguin in August. We’ve also seen lots of suggestions...
“Make a Summer Party!”
“Bring back the Water Party!”
“Why not Music Jam?”
So we thought, why not make a party with ALL of those great ingredients? A classic Club Penguin party with surfing, swimming, beaches, and of course... Music! Here’s a taste of what we’ve been working on:

Stay tuned! We’ll be posting a special video announcement about the party next week on the blog.
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

So what you think about it? I'm really excited about this party aren't you? Just leave your comments at below!

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