Reviewed by you: Jokes

Hey Penguin,
Today on Club Penguin Blog Polo field posted about Jokes last time he asked for What are your favorite parts of the party so far? What's the scariest monster costume you can create? And Awesome16425 one's were best and they said:

I really liked Awesome16425's answer:  My favorite part of the party so far is how you could actually scare people with the event costumes. My best monster mash-up costume has the body of Space Squid, the head of Hardsrcabble, around its neck is Tusk's cloak, and it holds a shovel. I call him 'Squidolofulous'(Sk-wee-did-off-oh-lus). He digs up graves and scares the skeletons inside to practice his scaring skills. 
That does sounds pretty scary! *Shivers*
As for this week, thinking back to the release of Puffle Digging...we want to hear your best puffle or pet joke!
We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!
-Club Penguin Team
And sure to comment to tell your's jokes! If you want to comment a joke then just click Here 
Until then... Waddle On!

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