Dino Puffles - Frequently Asked Questions

Polo Field has recently updated the Club Penguin Blog by posting post. He gave us many information about the Dino Puffles. I meant many means a lot! Here's the questions and click those blue links to go there:

Since we announced that dino puffles will be coming to Club Penguin, we've been getting a lot of questions.

To help answer some of them, check out the links below:

To adopt a dinosaur pufle, you first need to dig up an egg at the Prehistoric Party. Here's how to adopt a dinosaur puffle! 
You can care for your dino puffles by taking them for a walk.  Learn more about caring for dino puffles here. 
Don't worry, your dino puffle won't run away if your membership expires. Find out more here. 
There are 6 different dinosaur puffles.  Here's a full list of dino puffles.  
If you have other questions about dino puffles, leave them in the comments!

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! Now we found out about the information about the Dino Puffles it will be more easier now...what you think about this information? Leave your thoughts at below!

Spoiler Alert Episode - 8 (New EPF Room Revealed!)

Hey Penguins!

Club Penguin has released the new episode of the Spoiler Alert show! But they didn't released the new episode in online yet. They released the episode yesterday on Club Penguin App. Thanks to Chamangpool9  to upload the episode on his youtube channel.

They revealed many new things on Club Penguin about the new Club Penguin Homepage loading, Backyard, new room design Ski Hill and Forest, Dino Puffles, Pin and Prehistoric Party! Check it out:

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Awesome! We will have new EPF room design really soon. Check it out the room image:

I really loved the design for the new EPF did you? Did you checked out the new room design for the Ski Hill and Forest? What you think about this episode? Leave your comments at below!

Best Fishes,

My Penguin Day - 1 week Left!

Hey Penguins!

Daffodaily5 posted a post on Club Penguin Blog to remind us that we have only 1 week left for the My Penguin Day competition! Check it out what Daffodaily5 said and for the template to download:

Just a quick update about the My Penguin Day competition we're running in the UK! I've received looooads of brill entries so far. You guys are super creative. It's been so much fun looking through them all! I love reading about your favourite things to do on CP. 
So anyway, I just wanted to write a quick reminder that the competition is ending on the 27th of January, which means there's only 1 week left for people to enter! The competition template can be downloaded HERE and the details about how to send it are written at the bottom of that sheet. All entries need to have parental permission, with the back page filled out and included with every template. Don't forget, we're looking for people to do their own drawings and write their own stories. The more creative the better!
I'll be judging all the templates with 2 other members of the UK team after the 27th, announcing the winner as soon as possible after that. I can't wait to see who wins! :)
-Club Penguin Team
Remember this contest is only for the UK players and the Prize is 12 MONTH MEMBERSHIP!! Then hurry and enter your pictures for the My Penguin Day competition. Good Luck!

Club Penguin Officially Announces Russian Language

Spike Hike has finally confirmed that Russian language will add to Club Penguin. As you may know that Russian Language Rumors spread out like in few months which is now is true. Russian Language will add to Club Penguin in February 6! Check it out what did Spike Hike said:

Our global Penguin community is growing again! We are so excited to announce that Club Penguin is finally coming to Russia!
This marks the sixth language to join Club Penguin. With over 7M kids online in Russia, we hope to see lots of Russian Penguins waddling around the island soon.
To our new Russian friends, “добро пожаловать” (welcome)! What makes Club Penguin special is the diverse community of kids like you from around the world who visit the island every day and fill it with their joy and imaginations. Here, the coolest thing you can be is yourself, and we can’t wait to see the special things you will bring to our community.
I also want to say “привет” to our new Russian blogger Snego Lex. Snego will keep our Russian Penguins up to date on everything happening on the island and will also share more about Russia and its culture with the rest of our Penguins around the globe.
Club Penguin will go live in Russian officially on February 6 at www.clubpenguin.com/ru and will be available in the next release of the Club Penguin app in the next few months.
Until next time…шлёпаем дальше (Waddle On)!
-Club Penguin Team
Wow! I had no idea that there was over 7 million Russian players in Club Penguin. Now congrats to Russia. What you think abut this announcement? Leave your thoughts at below!

Club Penguin New EPF Message From Gary

Hello Agents,

Today, Gary The Gadget Guy sent message to our EPF phone. He said important things in the message. Check it out:

We will go back in time to help Gary's great uncle and save the Dino Puffles. So, be ready agents.
