Club Penguin Blog: Prehistoric Party - Concept Of Art!

Today on Club Penguin blog Polo Field updated post about an amazing drawing by a Penguin. The drawing shows about the Prehistoric Party which is really awesome drawing! Let's check it out the drawing and what did Polo Field said:

Look what we found while digging around to find concept art for the Prehistoric Party...
Beautiful isn't it? We've got some amazing artists here, I'm glad we uncovered this gem!
Get ready to go back in time again at the Prehistoric Party. It starts on January 23!
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Wow! Amazing drawing...Isn't it? I really loved the drawing. Who ever draw this picture he have a good talent. What you think about this? Do you have any art that shows about the Prehistoric Party? 

Remember Prehistoric Party starts on January 23!

Best Fishes,

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