Club Penguin Blog: The Spoiler Alert - Questions!

Hey Penguins!

Polo Field updated a post on Club Penguin about the Spoiler Alert Video. Polo Field said we can ask any questions after each episode of the Spoiler Alert Show. Sometimes our question can be in the video and they will answer it. Check it out below what did Polo Field said:

As some of you may know, we like to answer your questions at the end of each Spoiler Alert episode. It seems as though we are in need of some questions though...
So here's your chance! Ask away! Your question could be featured in an upcoming episode :)
Waddle on, 
-Club Penguin Team
Sweet! I really like to ask question after each episode. My one is "Where Did You Get The Idea To Make Spoiler Alert Show?" Whats yours? Leave your comments below!

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