Club Penguin Blog: DINOSAUR PUFFLES?!

Hey Penguins!

As you know that by that new update logoff image that we can discover Dino Puffles and can adopt them. On Club Penguin Blog Polo Field has recently made a post about the Dinosaur Puffles. Let's check it out:

That's right! 
The time has come -- later this month, dino puffles will be discovered in prehistoric Club Penguin. 
Even more exciting is that members will be able to adopt these puffles! BOOM.
What dino puffle are you looking forward to adopting? Leave us your thoughts in the comments. 
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Awesome! I bet I will adopt all of those Dino Puffles because they are so awesome and they never might come back. Who knows?! What you think about this? Leave your comment at below!


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