Club Penguin New Homepage Added..

Along with Club Penguin updates they has been added a new homepage to Club Penguin Slider. And I'm hearing that from the people that this party will be like Teen Beach Takeover but we don't know yet. Hmm.. they added this page really long before August 22 is way ahead they should stop this adding advertising before long time...

What you think you this? Just leave a comment at below!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin Whole Week Darth Herbert's Meet Ups Time (English Servers)

Hey guys!
I found out the whole week of Darth Herbert's schedule and that is English servers! Here's the all the Meet Ups Times:

  • Thursday, August 1 2:00am PST Big Foot
  • Thursday, August 1 8:30am PST Fog
  • Friday, August 2 1:00am PST Blizzard 
  • Friday, August 2 4:30am PST Alaska
  • Saturday, August 3 2:00 am PST White Out
  • Saturday, August 3 12:30am PST Blizzard
  • Sunday, August 4 2:00am PST Zipline
  • Sunday, August 4 8:30am PST Brumby
  • Sunday, August 4 12:30am PST Berg
  • Monday, August 5 3:00am Alaska
  • Monday, August 5 1:00am PST Blizzrd
  • Tuesday, August 6 1:00am PST Mammoth
  • Tuesday, August 6 8:15am PST Fog
  • Tuesday, August 6 12:30am PST Blizzard 
  • Tuesday, August 6 3:00am PST Arctic
  • Tuesday, August 6 5:30am PST Rainbow
  • Tuesday, August 6 7:00pm PST Jack Frost
  • Wednesday, August 7 8:15am PST Brumby
  • Wednesday, August 7 12:30am PST Crystal
  • Wednesday, August 7 4:00am PST Hot Chocolate
  • Wednesday, August 7 5:30pm PST Beanie
  • Wednesday, August 7 6:30pm PST Mammoth

*Note* This times are PST (Penguin/Pacific Standard Time) If you don't know whats time is now in PST then go to Club Penguin Snow Forts too see the Clock that clock is PST so you can compare with your Local Time Zone!

That's all we have it! Stay tune for More Times. Until then...Waddle On!

Best wishes,

Full Herbert meet up times

Hello penguins it's me alisterxdx witha  complete list of meetup times for Herbert.

August 1st, Thursday:
Meias de La (Portuguese) at 6:30 AM PST.
Schneeflocke (German) at 8:00 AM PST.
Picole (Portuguese) at 11:45 AM PST.
Aurora Boreal (Portuguese) at 3:20 PM PST.
August 2nd, Friday:
Sundae (Portuguese) at 5:55 AM PST.
Ventilador (Portuguese) at 12:00 PM PST.
Tudo Branco (Portuguese) at 3:15 PM PST.
August 3rd, Saturday:
Bloco de Gelo (Portuguese) at 9:00 AM PST.
Glacial (Portuguese) at 12:30 PM PST.
Torta de Atum (Portuguese) at 2:45 PM PST.
August 4th, Sunday:
Tudo Branco (Portuguese) at 8:45 AM PST.
Cristal de Gelo (Portuguese) at 11:00 AM PST.
Zero Grau (Portuguese) at 2:00 PM PST.
August 5th, Monday:
Avalanche (Portuguese) at 5:35 AM PST.
Inverno (Portuguese) at 7:45 AM PST.
Eiszeit (German) at 8:00 AM PST.
Frape (Portuguese) at 12:30 PM PST.
August 6th, Tuesday:
Zero Grau (Portuguese) at 7:20 AM PST.
Pororoca Polar (Portuguese) at 9:30 AM PST.
Friaca (Portuguese) at 1:30 PM PST.
August 7th, Wednesday: 
Eiszeit (German) at 8:00 AM PST.
Deu Branco (Portuguese) at 7:05 AM PST.
Cristal de Gelo (Portuguese) at 12:10 PM PST.
Freezer (Portuguese) at 3:20 PM PST.

Credits to Dodgers4 
That's all for now alisterxdx waddling out

August Party Announcement

Hello Penguin Flippers!
Today on Club Penguin Blog they announce really exciting party what's coming on August! In that party there will be Music Party, Summer Party, and Water Party All three in 1 Woo Hoo! This party will be most epic party and they has released a video in that Video we can recognize that is in Beach place and we're thinking that that party will cover all over the Island!

Here's the Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hello Penguins!
Many of you have asked what party is coming to Club Penguin in August. We’ve also seen lots of suggestions...
“Make a Summer Party!”
“Bring back the Water Party!”
“Why not Music Jam?”
So we thought, why not make a party with ALL of those great ingredients? A classic Club Penguin party with surfing, swimming, beaches, and of course... Music! Here’s a taste of what we’ve been working on:

Stay tuned! We’ll be posting a special video announcement about the party next week on the blog.
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

So what you think about it? I'm really excited about this party aren't you? Just leave your comments at below!

Penguin of the Day: Need4speed67

You all know I love hearing about friendly penguins and Need4speed67 is exactly that! He’s especially known for complimenting other penguins on their outfits. Well, my friend, we all think your outfit is ace and stripe-tastic!

Penguin of the Day nominations can be sent via the Contact Us page!


-Club Penguin Team

Club Penguin Updates Tonight!

Hello Penguins,
Club Penguin will be updating the island with a lot of  cool stuff and updates. We will be able to defeat the death Star! The updates are listed below…
  • Defeat the Death Star
  • Club Penguin Times Issue #406
  • New EPF Message
  • Darth Herbert appear on the Island!
The Updates will be taking place a 9 pm PST. Are you excited for the upcoming Party? Make sure to check back for the posts from these updates.

Club Penguin Blog - Penguin Of The Day: Zoey23591

Hey Penguins!
Daffodaliy5 has posted a Penguin Of The Day! And this time is Zoey23951. Here's the Club Penguin Blog Text:

Zoey23591 is the ‘funniest penguin to be around!’ She’s always going on adventures with her puffles, hosting igloo parties, and making many penguins smile along the way. Including ME! :)
Contact Us and share your nominations with the Team.
-Club penguin Team

Congrats to Zoey23951! If you have any nominations then send them yours all the nominations! Until then...Waddle On!

Club Penguin Darth Herbert Meet Ups Time!

Hey guys! 
As you know that on August 1 Darth Herbert will waddling around the Island and I found three meet ups times! Thanks to my friend @wanneycp for this meet ups times :) So credits goes to @Wanney. Here's the Meet ups time:

  • August 1 at 8:00 am PST on Schneeflocke (German)
  • August 5 at 8:00 am PST on Eiszeit (German)
  • August 7 at 8:00 am PST on Eiszeit (German)

*Note* This times are the PST (Penguin/Pacific Standard Time) If you don't know about this time then go to Club Penguin Snow Forts to see the Clock and compare with your Local Time Zone.

This all the times we have for more times Stay Tune with our blog!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin Blog - Month in Review: July

Hey There,
Today on Club Penguin Blog they released a new post by Polo Field about review of this month. They said they are starting that Before the month ends they will ask us how did we liked the Month and what we want for next? And every body is writing everything they want in the comments box on Club Penguin Blog.

Here's The Club Penguin Blog Text:

Greetings Penguins!
We are going to try something new with Reviewed by the end of each month we are going to do a Month in Review! As you know, we love getting feedback from our players so this will give you the chance to let us know your thoughts! We want to know what your highlights of the month were and what you would like to see in upcoming months!
To refresh your memory here's a list of some memorable moments in July:
  • School added to Club Penguin
  • Puffle Treasure Hunting Items
  • Furniture Catalog
  • #WaddleOn Series Begins
  • Penguin Style
  • Star Wars™ Takeover Begins and Tatooine Quest Launched
Looking forward to your feedback!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
If you want to leave your thoughts at Club Penguin Blog then just click Here
Now you tell me that Did you had fun in this month which event is your most funnest events from the comments we will choose one and then will give a 1-month membership code for free!

Stormtroopers at Work: Phone Support

Hey Penguins!
Club Penguin Blog has released a another Caption they do that every week and this time is Phone support you have to write Caption about Phone Support.

Here's the Club Penguin Blog Text:

Hey Penguins!
"Hello, thank you for calling Club Penguin..." Let's hear your best Star Wars™ Takeover captions! Can't wait to hear what you come up with for this one! 
-Club Penguin Team
I love this caption writing! Don't you? If you want to write a caption then click Here. Before you write caption tell us about what you feel about Caption Writing? Until then...Waddle On!

Club Penguin New Coin Codes 1500 Coins

Hey guys!
I found three Coin codes and they are 1500 coins awesome! This coin codes are old it's been release four days ago no one knows that but I searched up for the codes and found this codes when I looked up in my file I saw that these are new codes! Here's the codes:

  • BETAHAT5-500 coins
  • REINDEER-500 coins
  • PLUMPKIN-500 coins

               If you don't know how to redeem this codes then watch this video at below:

There you have it! 1500 coins Woo Hoo! Now you have more extra coins to buy more stuff! If you have any thoughts then just leave a comment at below-


Spoiler Alert: New Rebel Pin

Hey guys!
This is the Spoiler Alert if you want to see it then look at down if you want to the just don't read it. 

This is the new pin Rebel Army Pin this as we know that this pin will release on August 1 or August 8 maybe August 8 because Club Penguin releases pin usually after one week but we don't know yet when they will release! I found this Pic from Shop Worker so Credits goes to him. Here's the Picture of the New Pin:

Awesome Isn't it? If you have any concerns about the new pin then just leave a comment below!

Until then...Waddle On!

Your Friend

Penguin of the Day: Michael17063

It took me a while myself to figure out how to get into the Secret Under Water Room so it makes me happy that Michael17063, a devoted Tour Guide, share all his CP secrets with new players!
You know the drill! Send your nominations via the Contact Us page!
-Club Penguin Team

Rsnail was Online!

Hey guys! 
Today was a EPIC day for us on Club Penguin Because Rsnail was online on CP! Yep you heard that right your thinking that why I didn't tell before if he would be online because I didn't know that before just find out today on Twitter Via everybody was shouting that Rsnail is online on server Blizzard when I logged in that was true! Here's the picture I took:

As you can see the Rsnail he was hiding or something right there Under the guns! I don't know why? If you missed him don't worry he will visit many times. Now you tell me how did you feel when Rsnail logged in? Until then...Waddle On!

Best Wishes,

Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover Bug: Walking On The Walls

Hey guys! 
I found an amazing bug today on Club Penguin that you can walk on the walls with lightsabing's helps! I think that this bug will stayed in Star Wars Takeover after this you can't walk on the Walls. This bug is really funny and fun to do it and it's really easy to do! Here's the Instruction:

Get you lightsabing red, green or blue; and then press 'D' get in the fighting mode but Don't fight with anyone! Like this:

After that don't press anything just click on the any wall and you waddling up to there! Just like this:

After you get there you can't walk if you want get down then just press 'D' and then press 'D' again you automatically get down! Awesome isn't it? But remember this only work for the Members Penguins. If you have any questions about this then just leave a comment at below!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin #Waddleon Episode 3 has been came out!

Hey Penguins!
As you know that they said there will be more Waddle On Episodes and the episode 3 has came out today at after noon this episode is better as you can see the video but they has been wasted a little time on Puffle part but I liked it! Here's the Video:

And they said in the comment that Waddle On Episode come every Friday so you don't have to worry when is coming out just go to Club Penguin Youtube every Friday afternoon and then you will see there will be more episodes! Before it's Friday tell me about did you liked the video? Or not what should be more better tell me in the comment! Until then... Waddle On!

Best fishes,

Club Penguin Times Issue #405- Join the Rebel Alliance

Hello Penguins!
Club Penguin has released the Issue 405 of the Club Penguin Times! It mostly talks about the Star Wars Takeover and the  and becoming a Jedi! We need to save the galaxy from Darth Herbert!Check it out!
Picture 6
In The Second Article Obi-Wan-Sensei Talks Members can become Jedi Masters!
Picture 7
Upcoming Events…
Picture 8
The Star Wars Takeover has begin!  Save the Galaxy from being destroyed by Darth Herbert! What do you think about this issue of the Club Penguin Times? Leave your thoughts in the comments below

New Pin R2-D2 hidden at Pizza Parlor!

Hello Penguins!
Club Penguin has added the R2-D2 pin to the Club Penguin for the Star Wars Takeover! Check it out:
  1. Pull up your map in Club Penguin and make your way to the Plaza and waddle to Pizza Parlor!
  2. Click or walk over the R2-D2 Pin on right Corner to receive this pin
Picture 9
  1. Click “Yes” to receive this Pin
Picture 10
  1. The Pin will be added to your inventory!
What do you think about the new R2-D2Pin! I think it look amazing on my playercard! Make sure to collect this pin before it is removed! Leave your thoughts in the comments below

Darth Herbert has a new Background!

Hello Penguins!
The Star Wars Takeover has begin! Darth Herbert has new playercard especially for the this Party and is waddling around the Island with a absolute new Background! Check it out:
Picture 19Here is how the new background looks on the Playercard!
Picture 20

What do you think about Herbert’s New Background? Leave your thoughts in the comment s below

Star Wars Takeover Catalog

Hello Penguins
There is cool Party Catalog for the Star Wars Takeover with exclusive costumes and items of Star Wars Characters! Check it out:

Picture 2
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 25
Picture 26
What do you think about these awesome Catalog! Don’t forget some items will be unlocked in the next few weeks! Leave your thoughts in the comments below

Star Wars Takeover Cheats!

Hello Penguins!
Star Wars has taken over the Island! Members can become Jedi Masters! We need to save the galaxy from Darth Herbert! Here are all the Cheats from this cool, fun filled party! First Head to dock where you will see this huge spaceship called the Millenium Falcon! Walk towards the spaceship to enter it
Picture 23
Next the spaceship will fly and will take you to the galaxies! The spaceship looks pretty cool from inside! Princess Leia will appear will give you instructions.
Picture 11
Click OK to accept your mission. The quest map will be added to your screen. Now click on it to explore the galaxy! This Page will up which will shows different galaxies you need to conquerr. Some galaxies like Death Star and the Yavin4 will be releasing in the upcoming Months. If you are a member click on "Equip LightSaber"
Picture 12
Continue with your mission and travel to Tatooine (using the map) to defeat the Stormtroopers and save the planet. Click "Enter Tatoonie"
Picture 13
As you enter Tatooine Cadence will appear again to give instructions. You need to defeat Stroomtroopers. There are many cool rooms you can explore using the Map....
Picture 14
Click on the map it will show the different places of Tatooine. The red locations show where you can defeat the Stromtroopers.You can waddle around the planet. I must tell the rooms are designed VERY well! :D
Picture 21
There are 3 levels – Level 1, Level 2, and a Bonus Level for this minigame. If you complete a level you’ll receive an reward!
Picture 17Click on PLAY. The games rules are pretty easy. Just shoot the stromtroopers from the hills. You can switch from left to right and vice versa using the "space" button on the keyboard. The game will get harder with time
Picture 18
Once you’ve completed all 3 levels Princess Cadence will congratulate you for defeating the Stromtroopers!!
There are 3 new emotes for this cool Party!
Picture 22
What do you think about this Party? This maybe the best party ever! It has some pretty cool room and graphics! Don't forget there are more planets you need to conquer! Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
Hey penguins this is alisterxdx telling you how club penguin updated last night. These updates include

-Penguin times #405                                                                                              

-Star wars party

-star wars themed music in some rooms of club penguin

-New pin located in the pizza parlor

That's all penguin pals alisterxdx waddling out.

Reviewed by You: Star Wars Takeover

Hey guys! As you know that Club Penguin Takeover Party is tomorrow YAYY!!! and with that Polo Field has released the Reviewed by you on Club Penguin Blog as you know that before they asked what is your favorite party at all the time on Club Penguin and everyone has post in the comment but there's a penguin who wrote something cool-

    Club Penguin Blog Text:

I really liked Adri6363's answer:
My favorite party of all time was when Club Penguin had the Hollywood Party. It was totally fun! I played every single day it was on and it actually kinda made me feel like a superstar. I wish sometimes that it can come back. Also it was fun to get awards and get your own 15 minutes of fame! Riding limos to living in fancy penthouses, I think it was to best party ever!! Waddle On!!
Alright Star Wars fans, give it to me straight...what are you most looking forward to at the upcoming party?

We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!

Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
If you want to comment in the Club Penguin Blog then just click Here and leave comment at below that what side you will support to? Dark Side or Light Side? Stay Tune For More Updates.

Stormtroopers at Work: Managing Projects

Hey Penguins,
You know the drill... help caption this Star Wars™ Takeover photo for us by leaving a comment below!

- Club Penguin Team
What you think about don't just click Here to caption it! Until then...Waddle On! And remember to check this website most often.

Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Day: Robot Tin

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a river in an igloo as EPIC as this one! Robot Tin has done an ace job with this igloo and I hear they’re a pretty friendly penguin too! :)
Don’t forget, all Penguin of the Day winners get 5000 coins, so Contact Us!
-Club Penguin Team
Whoa! He got 5000 coins lucky I wish I could be a POTD xD it's ok someday I will but before you gotta send them your's all the nominations before somebody get in the POTD LOL Until then... Waddle On!