Club Penguin Blog: Sneak Peak Video Puffle Digging!

Hey guys!!
Great news!! Remember about that post Polo Field's about stamp? Polo Field and he's team has released a sneak peak video and it's really awesome video! They gave us a good hint and Polo Field said,

Hello Penguins!

The team and I wanted to give you a little sneak peek of a brand new update coming to Club Penguin this week! Last week I gave you a sneak peek of some new Stamps coming to the island.

Here's a hint on how you'll earn them!

 Now puffles will be able to dig up coins around the island! The team is also working on a huge update for next month where members with puffles will be able to dig up some RARE ITEMS! I don't want to say too much just yet, but I will say that there's a classic pair of glasses up for grabs that only your puffles will be able to find...

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below! :)

Until next time... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team


Good.... HUH?? I am really excited and I want the all rare items and coins!  Club penguin team doing a really good job aren't they? Leave your comments at below!

Your Friend

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