Club Penguin Blog: Help Decide Future X-treme reading Segments

Hey guys!

Today on Club Penguin blog Polo Field posted a post about the future X-treme reading Segments that they need help from us! Let's see what did he said:

Hi Penguins!
We'd like to hear your suggestionss for our X-TREME READING segment! We've got a new segment each week, which means we need LOTS of suggestions.
To get you started, here are a few we've come up with so far:
 * Poorly translated robot text
 *  Extreme newspaper rapping
 * Speak like a pirate
 * Backwards reading
Now it's your turn! Comment below with your suggestions for future X-TREME READING segments. 
Waddle on, 
-Club Penguin Team
Sweet! I know that some of you many idea to make the X-treme reading segments. Don't wait just leave below with your suggestion of X-treme reading segments on Club Penguin blog.

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