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Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


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Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Hey Guys Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!


Club Penguin New Free Unlockable Item Released For Everyone!

Hey Guys!

Club Penguin recently has released new unlockable item for everyone. Which I meant that if we put that code in the Treasure Box then we will receive a new item to Penguin account. Well, this item is old but Club Penguin brought it back by code. For The Item Code Look at Below:

After entering the code click on "Next or "Enter" to get the item 

There you have it now you have new item for your penguins account if you didn't have it before. Now you can enjoy the holiday in Club Penguin by wearing that item. What you think about this code? Leave your comments at below.

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin Blog: Come On, Let's Do The "Chattabox" Conga!

Hey Penguins!

As you know that last time Chattabox Party was for the Coins For Change! And We have collected 3595 coins for the Coins For Change. Now Chattabox is having another party it's actually a New Year Party. Let's check it out when is it and what did Chattabox said:

G'Day Penguins!
Thank you so much to everyone who joined me last week to help collect coins and donate them to Coins for Change. We made some huge trains and collected thousands of coins. Check out the picture below where one of the trains collected 3595 coins – good job guys! 
So it's almost 2014 – how exciting. Let's have a celebration to bring in the New Year, I'm thinking a conga party! So come dressed in your favourite outfit from 2013 and we'll conga around Club Penguin island to celebrate the beginning of 2014 – it's going to be an AWESOME year in Club Penguin.
Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 2nd January, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 1st January for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Happy New Year Penguins! Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
 What you think about the New Year Party with Chattabox? Are you gonna come to the Chattabox's Conga Party? I might come to this but I hope that you come too. Let us know by commenting below.


Spoiler Alert Episode 4 (Holiday Special)

Hey Penguins!

Club Penguin team recently has you just released the new episode of Spoiler Alert. This time episode is Holiday Special so it's full spoilers! If you want to see the video then look at below, if you don't then leave this page.

Here's the video:

What you think about this episode? Did you saw the new pin and locations? Leave your comments at below!

Best Fishes,

Cp Cheats Net's Holiday Giveaway - Coin Code (Now Over)

If you win the code then just take a picture and send it to @Spd614 on Twitter Via.

Coin Code:

Club Penguin - New EPF Message from Gary!

Agents! If you are in the Elite Penguin Force, check your spy phones ASAP. Gary has just sent a message to all EPF agents. Gary's message is talking about the coins that Hebert stole during Operation: Puffle. Take a look.

If you can't read it, it says:
"Agents, we'll need everyone's help to recover the coins Herbert stole. And perhaps with a few modifications I can convert this train for EPF use... back to the lab!"

What do you think? Question for the viewers: How many coins have you donated to Coins for Change this year? I've donated 30,000+! Let us know by commenting on the post.


Hello everyone! New Author aboard!

Hey penguins! Just wanted to make a post introducing myself. My name is Crabspider32. I am a new author on this website and I will be working alongside Spd61 to provide you with the latest Club Penguin Cheats! I have my own website, and if you want to visit it, you can go to my twitter, @Crabspider32 and see the link. You can also follow me on Twitter if you want. And, if anyone wants to meet me, you can commonly find me on Sleet, Abominable, Blizzard, and Grizzly. Anyways, hopefully I'll make a great contribution to this website. That's all I have to say! Waddle on Penguins!

Club Penguin Minor Updates On Homepage

Club Penguin has recently updated some minor updates on Club Penguin home page they updated two new homepage image and Coins For Change result...what I meant by that when ever go to clubpenguin.com it will tell you how many coins donated so far. Check it out:

The Homepages image:

The Coins For Change Resulting Board:

What you you think so far? Man we donated many coins didn't we? LOL. Leave your thoughts and suggestions at below!


Club Herbert Updated Again!

Hey Penguins!

Club Herbert updated again! This time Klutzy is going ">:p" in the Wilderness with the map. Check it out:

Hmm...I wonder what's up there? What you think he's looking for? Leave your comments at below!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin Times Issue #426

Stay Tune For More Updates!


Rockhopper Arrived To Island!

Ahoy Mates!

Rockhopper arrived the Island with the some cool Holly-Jolly rare items! I liked the this year's Rockhopper's rare item because they are sooooooooo cool. Check it out his Christmasy ship and the new items:

Inside The Ship:

Rockhopper's Rare Items:

Woo-Hoo awesome! Treasure game is my favorite game to play when ever Rockhopper comes...What's your favorite thing to do in the ship? Leave your thoughts at below!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin Blog: Rockhopper's Meet Ups Times!

Ahoy Matey!

On Club Penguin Blog Polo Field has posted a post for the Rockhoopper's meet ups times. So, it will be more easier to find him and not worry, how we can find him. Let's check it out the Rockhopper's Meet Ups times and what did Polo Field said:

Greetings Penguins,
Rockhopper will be arriving shortly for Coins for Change and the Holiday Party! 
We want to make sure you have a chance to celebrate with him. Here are some meetup times:
Thursday, December 19    
 * 10:00am on the server Rainbow
Friday, December 20
 * 6:00pm on the server Sherbert
Saturday, December 21
 * 3:00pm on the server White Out
 * 6:30pm on the server Cloudy
Sunday, December 22
 * 10:00am on the server Frosty
 * 3:00pm on the server Fog
Monday, December 23
 * 10:00am on the server Iceland
 * 5:00pm on the server Chinook
Tuesday, December 24
 * 10:00am on the server Wool Socks
Thursday, December 26
 * 5:00pm on the server Mammoth
Friday, December 27
 * 3:00pm on the server Chinook
 * 6:30pm on the server Northern Lights
Saturday, December 28
 * 5:00pm on the server Mittens
Sunday, December 29
 * 10:00am on the server Cozy
 * 3:00pm on the server Wool Socks
 * 6:30pm on the server Sled
Monday, December 30
 * 10:00am on the server Mittens
 * 6:30pm on the server Cozy
Tuesday, December 31
 * 10:00am on the server Frosty
Remember! The times listed above are in Penguin Standard Time. (If you don't remember what Penguin Standard Time is, you can check the Clock Tower at the Snow Forts.)
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

What you think about this meet ups time? You happy to see the meet ups time? Remember you can check our tracker 100% accurate tracker at any time. Leave your comment at below!


Club Penguin Spoiler Alert Episode - 3 Released

Hey Penguins!

Today Club Penguin released another episode of the Spoiler Alert episode - 3. This episode is full of spoilers about the upcoming Holiday Party! If you want to be spoil then look at the video below. If you don't want to then you can leave this website.

Here's the Spoiler Alert Episode - 3:

What you think about the new episode of the Spoiler Alert? Did you liked it? Or it's too much spoil? Leave your comment at below!

Best Fishes,

Cp Cheats Net Is Having A Holiday Party With Cool Giveaways!

Hello Penguins!

As you can read the tittle we are having a special Holiday Party with cool contests and guess what? You heard that right! Because we are having some cool contests and the prizes are cool too. The prizes are Membership Code and Coin Code (Access To Treasure Books). But before the contest we will first do a party. The party will be kinda long or short...we don't know yet.

Want more information about the Party and the Contest? Then look at below:

For the Party Information:

  • When: December 21st, Saturday.
  • Time: @ 9:30 am PST (Penguin/Pacific Standard Time the Snow Forts Clock Time)
  • Where: Server - Sleet, Place: Cove (During The Party We Will Go Around The Whole Island)
We Will Record The Whole Party and Publish It In My Youtube Channel.

For the Holiday Contest Information:
  • Giveaway-  Coin Code (Access To Treasure Books) I will post the code in between @9:55 - 10:00. You have to be first to redeem the code.
  • Giveaway: Post Giveaway Code: 1 Month Membership Code. December 21st, Saturday. Winner - @lovyo1091
On Contest #1 you just have to leave a Best Christmas Joke in the comment below  or Dm Me at Twitter Via.(Leave The Joke In This Post Page By Commenting Below if you don't have twitter). The Contests Begin Today. We Will Announce The Winner On December 22nd, Sunday @ 9:30 am PST (Penguin/Pacific Standard Time the Snow Forts Clock Time) 

On Giveaway I will just post the code in my website between @ 9:55 - 10:00 am PST. Remember to refresh the page every second because I can post the code at any time. Then you take a screen-shot if you win and give the taking picture to @Spd614 or @ClubPenguinChNe. The Code will be post in December 21st, Saturday between @ 9:55 - 10:00 am PST. 

Here Is The Invitation Card For Everyone the Special Guest is Monchocho:

So what you think about this awesome party and the contests? The contests are easy isn't it? And Remember The Contest#1 will start from today and so Contest #2. 

Until then...Good Luck!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin #WaddleOn Episode - Penguin Carlos Released!

 Hey Penguins!

As you may know that Club Penguin released the #WaddleOn Episode - Penguin Carlos kinda late in Friday because this video little long length. But Club Penguin released this video at only Club Penguin app which was really hard to find good quality video in youtube but Thanks To Chamagool9 to upload this in his youtube channel in really good quality.

This episode is full Christmas things, rooms, and songs. Let's check it out:

What you think about this new episode of #WaddleOn? Do you think it's too lame or too good? Tell us by commenting at below!


Club Penguin Blog: Daffo's App Tip - Smoothie Smash!

Hey Penguins!

Today on Club Penguin Blog post a post about the Smoothie Smash. She gave us a special tip for the Smoothie Smash so, we can get more points. Let's see what is the tip:

How fab is the new Club Penguin app update? Smoothie Smash is one of my fave games so it’s brill I can now play it on iPad! I’ve been playing all day and thought I’d share my tips with you:
  • There aren’t any obstacles like anvils on the iPad game – it’s all about the score!
  • Sparkling fruit are the ones that are needed for the current smoothie. Each time you smash a sparkling fruit you get a score multiplier - X10 is the maximum. See how long you can keep it there!
  • Sometimes it’s better not to smash – see if you can work out when it’s better for you to bounce slowly!
  • Always try and get the Bonus Time and Golden Apple power-ups, they’ll really boost your score!
  • Collect 5 Golden Apples and your screen will be flooded with fruit, boosting your score!
Comment below with your scores! I’m sure you can beat mine as I’m not that great at it, but it’s ok because I still play looooads!
I’ll do another post soon with some useful app tips.
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome tips! Thanks for this best tip. What you think about this? Did you liked the new update on the Club Penguin app? Tell us below by commenting.

Club Penguin Blog: Penguin Of The Week - Lost Dragon

Hey Penguins!

Daffodaily5 posted another Penguin Of The Week for this week. Daffodaily5 is doing really hard by picking the Penguin Of The Week isn't she? Let's see who is the Penguin Of The Week and what did Daffdaily5 said:

Everyone needs a brill buddy like Lost Dragon! They came up with the idea of ‘Dragon Challenge’ and encouraged lots of players across many servers to send the gift postcard to all penguins they met; that way everyone could wear a Santa Hat!
I LOVE how Christmassy their igloo is, but you know what I love even more? A purple dragon wearing accessories and playing a guitar! Hehe! YOU ROCK! :D
Check your inventory as the Green Viking Helmet is waiting for you (oh, and 10,000 coins!)
Guys, make sure you comment with your nomination for Penguin of the Week. Remember, even though I can only pick one each week, I still read them ALL!
-Club Penguin Team
Congratulation Lost Dragon! LOL Cool name...If you have any penguin that should be Penguin Of The Week for the next week then send them your nominate penguins!

Club Penguin Free Coin Code 500 Coins (DEC 13)

Hey Penguins!

Club Penguin has released another new new coin code for Christmas. This code have 500 coins which is more better than last one 100 coins. LOL.

Here is the code:

  • XMASPRES - 500 Coins.

There you have new free Club Penguin coins for your penguin! Now you can buy more things what ever you want to buy. What you gonna spend this coins on first? Leave your thoughts at below!

Best Fishes,

Club Penguin Blog: UK Magazine - "Daffo's Puffle Games!"

Hey Penguins!

Today on Club Penguin Blog Daffodaily5 posted a post about the UK magazine. UK magazine released today and Daffodaily5 is excited because she's in it. Well, she's doing a really fun game let's what is it and what did she said:

The new issue of the mag is out today in the UK, which is always exciting. However, I'm personally super excited for this issue because... I'm in it! Again! So cool 
So I wanted to tell you about this new game I've created with the magazine team. It works like this; if you meet me online I'll shout "PUFFLE!" and then you guys have to reply with a specific word... which you can find in the new issue of the mag! 
If you shout the correct word back at me, you might be featured in the magazine and on the blog! Pretty cool, eh? I love silly games like this, don't you?! Hope to see you online soon!
-Club Penguin Team
Aww...I wish in here USA have Club Penguin magazine too right? What you think about think about this? Are you gonna join that game? Leave your thoughts at below!

UK Magazine - Daffo's "PUFFLE!" Game

Hey penguins!

Daffodaily5 appears in the Club Penguin magazine, once in a while. For issue 25 of the Club Penguin magazine, she is back in, with a little games. Check out the posts below for the game that Daffodaily5 has made.

The new issue of the mag is out today in the UK, which is always exciting. However, I'm personally super excited for this issue because... I'm in it! Again! So cool 
So I wanted to tell you about this new game I've created with the magazine team. It works like this; if you meet me online I'll shout "PUFFLE!" and then you guys have to reply with a specific word... which you can find in the new issue of the mag! 

If you shout the correct word back at me, you might be featured in the magazine and on the blog! Pretty cool, eh? I love silly games like this, don't you?! Hope to see you online soon!
-Club Penguin Team

Wow..that is a cool game! All you got to do is say a word that is specific word that relates with the word puffle and also, you can only choose a word when Daffo is online and shouts the word puffle. Whoever gets it right, gets to be featured in the Club Penguin magazine and on the blog, which I think it is a good reward. What do you think? Do you like this game ot not? Let us know in the comments below.


Club Penguin New EPF message from Jet Pack Guy (DEC 12)

Hello Agents,

Today Agent Jet Pack Guy has sent a important message to our EPF phone. He sent a serious message to us it's about Herbert P. Bear. Check it out what did he said:

Herbert's location is pinpoint agents! We have to look for many clues...we might find something unusual...Until then Waddle On!


Club Penguin New Food And Puffle Hats For Puffles!

Hey Penguins!

After many year finally Club Penguin has released some things for our favorite pets puffles. The new catalog includes new foods and new hats for puffles. Check it out:

Sweet...new things for Puffles! Now my new both puffles have new toys and new hats! What you think about this? Leave your thoughts and suggestions at below!

Best Fiesh,

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog December Cheats 2013

Hey Guys!

Club Penguin has released the new Furniture Catalog for the Holiday Party in this catalog has many new cool items but unfortunately it doesn't have any hidden items. But this catalog is really coo though. Check it out:

Awesome...This catalog is cool isn't it? What you think about the furniture and hidden items? Leave your comment at below!

Best Fishes,

Rockhopper Is More Closer!

Rockhopper is really closer to our Island and after he arrives the Island will be in joy and piraties! There many penguins who loves Rockhopper a lot. So this year Club Penguin decided Rockhopper will be our mascot for the Holiday Party 2013. So the whole Island can be in joyful. Check it out how close he is:

And as you can see he's coming with some Train's Track! Whydda think? I'm really excited for Rockhopper he's my favorite mascot. Do you know Rockhopper was my first mascot meet in 2012? Who was your first mascot to meet in Club Penguin? Leave your thoughts at below!

Best Fies,

Club Penguin Released Hambug Holiday Stage Play!

Hey Penguins!

Finally the Hambug Holiday Stage Play has been released today! This is my favorite stage play in the year. It's really cool stage play. It's full of the Christmas clothes and the stage. Check it out:


Costume Trunk

Sweet...Hambug Holiday Stage Play is here. Are you excited to play that stage? What you gonna do first? Leave your thoughts at below!

Club Penguin Time Issue #425

Stay Tune For More Updates!
